(Strange Plants)

制作: 星 岳彦

Produced By: Takehiko Hoshi

I am often impressed to encounter the surprising ability of plants, when I work using them. Almost all photographs photo the plants that I own. These Web pages are a kind of hobby page which introduces interesting plants made in the interval of the work. I will expand these pages day by day. Please forgive, the contents may be including many errors because botany is not my major.

「まるで動物!? 驚きの植物ライフ」というタイトルで動く植物等が放映されました。



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(Caution) Copyright of the images and the documents in these web pages belongs to the author (Takehiko Hoshi, 1999-2007). I firmly refuse duplication and quotation without notice to the author. In case of a study and publication use, please contact me to license a high-resolution image file use. Thank you for your understand.
copyright 1999-2007 T. Hoshi